RAH Net A/S signs agreement with Utiligize
15 January 2025
Utiligize has the pleasure of welcoming RAH Net A/S to our growing customer base.
RAH Net A/S, which operates the electricity grid for over 50,000 customers in both West and Central Jutland, has chosen Utiligize Forecast & Investment to optimize their grid planning and future necessary investments to support the green transition.
Per Nielsen, Technical Director at RAH Net A/S, says:
“RAH Net A/S is pleased to have partnered with Utiligize.
We operate two geographically large electricity grids in Central and Western Jutland, where the combination of large electricity production and increased consumption – including more and more tourists coming to our area with electric cars – requires new digital solutions to prepare our electricity grid for changing load and voltage patterns and optimization of grid losses.
We look forward to using Utiligize’s solutions to optimize our grid planning and necessary grid investments.”