Utiligize: Growth expectations lead to new board leadership
NEW CHAIRPERSON OF THE BOARD: With its digital products and services, Utiligize supports a faster and more efficient green transition in both Denmark and abroad. To further strengthen this effort, Utiligize is now introducing Jette Miller as the new Chairperson of the Board

Understanding N-1 Calculations: The key to grid resilience
The growing integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) and new types of loads into the power distribution grid is turning the energy system into a highly interconnected and complex network. This increasing…

RAH Net A/S signs agreement with Utiligize
Utiligize has the pleasure of welcoming RAH Net A/S to our growing customer base. RAH Net A/S, which operates the electricity grid for over 50,000 customers in both West and Central Jutland,…

Veksel expands their partnership with Utiligize
Our existing customer Veksel has expanded its collaboration with Utiligize by adopting the Maintenance and Planning module. This module provides Veksel with tools for streamlined condition assessments and efficient maintenance planning, supporting…

Enlit Milan 2024 Recap: See You Next Year in Bilbao!
Enlit Europe 2024 in Milan was a fantastic experience! Thank you to everyone who visited us at Booth 5.K26. We are already looking forward to Enlit Europe 2025 in Bilbao. See you…

Highlights from our User Group Forum in Hjørring
Yesterday, we hosted our biannual User Group Forum in Hjørring, with many thanks to NordEnergiNet for hosting. It was inspiring to see an ever-growing number of clients joining us.

Utiligize Welcomes Elnet Midt as New Customer
We are thrilled to welcome Elnet Midt, the electricity grid operator, as a new customer utilizing our Forecast and Investment module.

Utiligize Welcomes Elinord as New Customer
We are pleased to announce that Elinord, the electricity grid operator has chosen Utiligize’s Forecast and Investment module.

Utiligize Welcomes Ravdex as New Customer
We are excited to welcome Ravdex, the electricity grid operator in northeastern Funen, as our new customer! Together, we aim to drive a greener future by optimizing investments and enhancing operational efficiency.

AURA invests in Utiligize
Utiligize are thrilled to announce Aura as our newest investor! Carsten Höegh Christiansen: “This investment once again emphasizes AURA’s dedication to driving the green transition. The power grid is the foundation of…

Batteries reduce grid reinforcement costs, but only when used in hybrid with new transformers
Integrating batteries with new transformers can slash grid reinforcement expenses, offering a cost-effective solution for supporting increased electric vehicle (EV) charging demand. This finding emerges from an in-depth analysis conducted by Utiligize…

Utiligize engages in an inspiring user group forum at Trefor
Thanks to our clients for an inspiring, rewarding and lively user group forum. Topics where (among other) how to prepare for the green transition by: – optimizing net-investments – using our Forecast…

Innovative sustainability solutions. Utiligize recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
We are thrilled to announce that Utiligize is featured in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark’s ‘Responsible Technology Development Catalogue’. We are proud to be recognized for our influential contributions in…

Smartgridkonferensen 2023
Good attendance and interest at Smartgridkonferensen in Oslo in our solutions to enable the green transition by making scenarios for future grid load and predictions on future spare net capacity (N-1).

Visiting our new office!
At Utiligize, we’re thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our expansion journey: Our new office on Storgata 2 in Halden in Norway! The office has a nice view too!

Introducing Misha
Expansion news! Our team is continuously growing bigger and stronger! Please join us in giving a warm welcome to our newest addition, Mikhail Skalyga, who will be our new Power System Expert…

E-World Wide Showcase
Earlier this week, Amay showcased Utiligize in the E-World Wide webinar series. Providing valuable insights about the Danish energy market to an audience of 40 energy sector representatives. It was the perfect…

User Group Forum 2023
We strive to serve our clients as best possible and on Friday we held our User Group Forum, where discussions were held on the future roadmap of our products: Utiligize Forecast &…

Presentation of Innovation Prize
We had the pleasure of welcoming Glenda Napier to our office last week to receive our Innovation Project of the Year certificate!

Size doesn’t matter!
A great day out for Utiligize staff with our customer NKE Elnet, where we discussed harmonics and detecting failures in the grid. At Utiligize, we’ve seen GIS, ERP and smart meter data…

Utiligize wins 2023 Innovation Prize
Utiligize has won Energy Cluster Denmark’s prize for most innovative project in 2023, as a part of the Flexibility Heat Grid Bornholm project, together with The Technical University of Denmark, Bornholm’s Energi…

Attending Renewables Norway yearly conference 2023
Kalle, Emil, and Jostein were attending Renewables Norway’s yearly conference 2023, where hot topics such as the security of Norway’s gas pipelines, wind power scepticism, and electricity market design overhauls were discussed.

Utiligize is going international!
We are thrilled to announce that we are going international! Recently, we have established ourselves in the Norwegian market, where Jostein Andreassen will lead our sales team as the new Country Sales…

Investments in grids in Norway to double by 2030
Utiligize’s CEO, Kalle Thorbjørn Scharff Hansen, participated in Pareto Securities’ 25th annual Power & Renewable Conference in Oslo, which focused on current trends and new developments in the energy sector.

Verkosto 2023 in Tampere, Finland
Utiligize were dipping their toes in the Finnish waters at the conference Verkosto 2023 trade fair. Utiligize’s CEO, Kalle Thorbjørn Scharff Hansen, gave a speech on how Asset Life can help DSOs…

Nord Energi Net selects Utiligize to forecast loading with Asset Life
Nord Energi Net chooses Asset Life to optimize investments and make N-1 calculations. It’s with great pleasure that Utiligize can announce, that Nord Energi Net A/S has chosen Asset Life to optimize…

Dinel selects Utiligize to forecast loading with Asset Life
Utiligize is delighted to introduce Dinel A/S as a new customer of Asset Life. Dinel, who operates an electric distribution grid in the Eastern part of Jutland, will be using the Forecast…

A 3 minute intro to Asset Life
Electrification of society will be expensive if utilities don’t make smart investment and maintenance decisions. Utiligize provides a forward-looking software tool that forecasts investment and flexibility needs based on scenarios for the…

CNAIM 2.1 with Danish assets now freely available
In 2021 Ofgem (Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, the regulator in Great Britain) released the new updated CNAIM 2.1 version. In short CNAIM is an asset failure risk assessment model following…

Veksel A/S invests in Asset Life
Veksel A/S who operates the electrical grid of Langeland, has purchased Utiligize’s Asset Life platform, in particular the Forecast & Investment tool to optimize investments to efficiently expand the grid.

New Team Members
We are very happy to expand our team and are welcoming Kenneth Røsland Rosenørn, Sergey Klyapovskiy, Kristian Thy and Jens Knudsen to Utiligize.

Utiligize chosen for Flexibility Heat Grid pilot
There is great potential in increasing the efficiency of district heating consumption-, distribution- and production by managing district heating users’ consumption more intelligently. Optimized control of district heating units can improve energy…

New investors support Utiligize
Eviny Ventures – a subsidiary of the Norwegian energy company Eviny – plus the privately owned Danish venture fond, 2L Holding, buys equity in Utiligize of close to 2M€, securing an ownership…

Can Denmark’s high voltage grid handle a quadrupling of wind and solar?
As electric utilities plan for a tsunami of electric vehicles and heat pumps, and a fresh boom of onshore wind and solar farms, it is interesting to look at the grid’s basic…

OPEX savings with Asset Life
Electric utilities are under enormous pressure to modernise their business practices and support electricifcation of transport, heating and industrial processes. At Utiligize, we optimize daily operations through data-driven decision making and present…

TREFOR selects Utiligize’s Asset Life to monitor and predict grid loading
Danish version here (Dansk version her). TREFOR El-net has chosen Utiligize’s software, Asset Life, to provide a complete overview of their current network loading and forecast of future loading considering different green…

No green transition without controlling losses
At Utiligize, we’ve spent the last couple of years fine-tuning our asset management software to minimise costs for utilities. Losses are a key driver of costs, whether you operate a gas, water,…

New study on the impact of electric vehicles and heat pumps on the grid
The Danish Energy Agency today published our report on how distributed energy resources (DERs) like electric vehicles (EVs), heat pumps and solar panels will impact the distribution grid in Denmark.

Open Source CNAIM for R
The green transition will require significant investment in utility infrastructure. Many countries have restrictive income caps or fixed tariffs that do not allow for investment to support the electrification of transport, heating…

Where, When, and How Much Should We Invest Through the Green Transition
This white paper discusses a data-driven approach to investments, maintenance and containing risk, using forwarding looking asset management for utilities. Download a copy here.

Forecasting distribution grid flows using smart meter data
We are extremely proud of Jules Truong, who finished his Master Thesis under Utiligize’s and Professor Pierre Pinson’s supervision. He applied machine learning to forecast production and consumption on Evonet’s (now merged…

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